Dear Alberta, could you please deal with your racists and get your ridiculous theocracy out of office? We have to get ready for a real war.
That IS the war.
Sadly. This is the truth.
But why would Daniel hold her favorite people accountable?
Her name is Marlaina. Until I see a note from her parents saying she’s allowed to change her preferred name, she should be called Marlaina.
Oh! I didn’t know, thank you, we can’t use prefered names around them, wouldn’t want to offend their sensibilities
The call is coming from inside the house…
While it’s true that we have too many Nazis in this province (and we keep electing the fuckers!), Gilmore’s point is well taken: If the Cons and Poilievre win the next election, it will be decided before the Alberta polls are even closed.
So please, stop pointing your finger at one region and feeling superior. We need to fight these vermin across the entire country and world, and can only do it together.
If I implied I felt superior, I’m sorry. I meant to imply I want to help but it’s a 13-hour drive for me. I’ll do my best to deal with those I can here.
Look if PP get’s elected, it will be at MOST a minority government and both the Liberals and NDP will hamstring them at every opportunity. So even if they get elected, nothing will be done except push 6 years worth of governance down the road to the next elected Govt to unfuck.
Does that mean that I don’t have to deal with the racists in my family, because I am in Ontario? My family hates people who are not white.
That’s not your family. That’s just a group you share genes with.
They are not sharing my jeans anytime soon.
Leave some fabric for the rest of us
Those bad boys should never be shared.
Time to go to the rave?
Why get the police involved? Our soldiers should be allowed to kill these Nazis where they stand.
We already fought a war to eradicate those scumbags, and we should have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to neo-Nazis.
Slippery slope that. If you call the armed forces in for one group of citizens, maybe PP gets in and he starts calling them in for people who you and I might not think need shot.
Don’t get me wrong, these idiots should be shot. Just saying pulling up the army might not be the best precedent to set.
Half of base Edmonton lives in St. Albert. They can just drive by punch some Nazis in the face on their way to work. No need to make it an official act.
Fair dues bud, I could get behind that.
If you call the armed forces in for one group of
citizensnazis, maybe PP gets in and he starts calling them in for people who you and I might not think need shot.That’s the difference, though. We’re talking about Nazis here. PP also has a duty to remove nazis from this earth, unless he supports them.
unlesshe supports themHe has posed for a surprising amount of pictures with neo nazis
You’re sounding awfully close to a MAGAt now. If you know the guy is trash, maybe stop supporting him?
I’m confused. Supporting who?
I did hear him say group of citizens, I head Nazis
That’s the tricky bit. Gotta parse what they actually mean. Group of citizens, probably Nazis. Malcontent, anti-establishment rioters, probably people out to punch Nazis.
Can’t seem to figure out why inglorious bastards is trending rn.
Why is it always a bunch of young adult white males? Don’t we have a cure for incels yet?
I live in a country where prostitution is legalized. Maybe that would help these guys.
Oh and therapy.
There is absolutely a cure for incels, yes, but nobody in the west would like it. So you’re kind of stuck with them.
The prostitution thing won’t work, though. I actually got fed up with a loud incel peripheral to a social circle I was part of and snapped, offering to hire him a hooker right then and there so he could STFU about how he’d never been laid.
Immediately he moved the goalposts and said he didn’t just want to get laid, he wanted a “genuine emotional relationship”. Saying this despite for the previous two hours only ever talking about sex, sex appeal, sexual characteristics, etc. with not a word spent on “genuine emotion”.
Some people just want to whine, and when they gather in groups they spiral destructively.
Let’s be real: it’s about control. They want sex on their terms, and paying for it doesn’t put them in control. They say things like “genuine human connection,” while desperately wanting a traditional, subservient woman that they can use to satisfy their needs.
Suggest they should get a mail order bride then, or stop being such an unlikable cunt by raising their self-respect standards.
In my experience they seem to shut up when you suggest that.
I’d give em the “two wolves inside you” talk - like negativity and positivity. Gotta keep the moral lessons at preteen development levels with these sorts of folks.
What you said is all true, and there’s no excusing that level of rottenness, but I do think there’s a deeper component to it that they do not acknowledge.
They want to feel good about themselves, which at the core is not unreasonable, but they’ve built up this whole misogynistic mythology where they need a conventionally attractive woman - mind, body, and soul, in order to feel safe and happy.
But I’m convinced that even if they somehow stumbled into this unlikely relationship they would still be miserable.
I think even darker (as the response to indicates). When I see incel behaviour from a man, I make damned sure that man is always in my sight and at a distance. And I won’t accept any drink from him, nor any invitation to go somewhere else, even if it’s in the same building.
Yes that’s very wise. They’ve already shown you that they feel they might “deserve” a certain type of affection, so who knows what they feel entitled to.
Other men at these social settings also need to take a more active role in 1) detecting, and 2) deterring, incel adjacent behaviour.
Well yes. It’s about sex and specifically forcing sex.
They’re wannabe rapists, in effect.
Therapy has always been legalized, but the folks who need help the most will often not dare ask for it
Or lack easy access to it
Very true, important correction!
Why is it always a bunch of young adult white males? Don’t we have a cure for incels yet?
Some percussive maintenance applied directly to their face once per rally or as needed will do wonders to decrease symptoms and prevent the spread.
Actually, the evidence indicates the opposite.
Please keep in mind as you read the below that punching and doing literally nothing are not the only options, since I get that false dichotomy as a response way too often: “oh, so you think we should just leave them alone and ignore them?” No, oppose them, emphatically. But not violently–making martyrs of them, to their buddies and those they’re looking to recruit, by sucker punching them is not going to accomplish what you think it will.
On a purely pragmatic/practical level, it’s a bad idea, if your goal is to oppose Nazism.
Experts on extremism/terrorism etc. are all saying the exact same thing.
See for yourself: (emphasis added)
In the case of violent counterprotest tactics — e.g., punching Nazis — experts on extremism say it is likely only to aid the white supremacists’ cause.
The most commonly stated argument in favor of physically disrupting white-supremacist rallies is that society can’t give an iota of legitimacy to these groups. To allow them to spread their message of hate is to offer them a platform to recruit and to glorify their cause. What this logic leaves out is that it may well be the case that hate groups are better able to recruit and glorify their cause when they are able to engage in violence, regardless of how that violence starts, according to researchers in the field of countering violent extremism, or CVE.
“On the one hand, I don’t think these expressions should go unanswered,” David Schanzer, director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University, said of the recent white-supremacist gatherings. “But you’re essentially giving them exactly what they want when you try to confront them directly.” That’s because these groups’ efforts to recruit and mobilize supporters rely on a very specific strategy that benefits greatly from violent conflict.
In the U.S., explicitly white-supremacist groups know they are vastly, vastly outnumbered by everyone who hates them — their paltry numbers being an easy thing to forget in the age of social media and especially so this week, in the wake of a real-life white-supremacist murder. So their only hope for relevance is to maximize every potential bit of media coverage. And the best way to do this is to create media moments: scary, evocative images like the torch photos from last weekend, but also as many violently photogenic confrontations with counterprotesters as possible. Producing violence is an underlying, often unstated, goal of many white-supremacist protests and gatherings.
When violence does break out, videos of it race through the internet’s white-supremacist underbelly, serving as incredibly valuable PR material. It doesn’t matter who gets the better of a given confrontation: When the Nazis get punched, it’s “proof” that anti-fascists or liberals or [insert minority group] or whoever else did the punching have it in for “innocent white Americans just trying to protest peacefully.” When the Nazis punch back, it’s proof that their enemies are, to borrow a word from alt-right parlance, “cucks” who are easily bested in the streets. Even when white supremacists lose street fights, they win the long game.
This sort of tactic, said Jeffrey Kaplan, an academic researcher and the author of a number of books on terrorist movements, “is a constant in terrorism or any form of asymmetric warfare,” whether the group in question is jihadist or white supremacist or whatever else. Kaplan, who is an incoming professor at King Fahd Security College in Riyadh, summed up the extremists’ logic like this: “Our numbers are paltry, we are despised by our countrymen and we couldn’t get a date for the life of us, but any action that has enough impact to strike at the heart of the enemy by getting media coverage is a major triumph.” Violent confrontations allow extremists to make a tantalizing offer to the angry, disillusioned young men — they are almost entirely men — whom they hope to groom to become tomorrow’s haters and killers: We are part of a movement to change the world, as you can see from this latest video that movement is working, and you can be a part of it.
Schanzer laid out a fairly straightforward alternative: Counterdemonstrators should respond assertively, vociferously, and in far superior numbers — but at a distance from the extremists themselves. This tactic both prevents the sort of violent conflict American hate groups want, and has the added benefit of drawing at least some media and social-media attention away from the smaller hateful gathering and toward the much larger counterprotest.
“Violence directed at white nationalists only fuels their narrative of victimhood — of a hounded, soon-to-be-minority who can’t exercise their rights to free speech without getting pummeled.” “I would want to punch a Nazi in the nose, too,” Maria Stephan, a program director at the United States Institute of Peace, told him. “But there’s a difference between a therapeutic and strategic response.”
…when mouthpieces for white supremacist ideology are physically assaulted on camera, it becomes a powerful validation of their victimhood complex: in their minds, plain evidence that white people are indeed under attack, and motivation to spread a call to violent response with renewed zeal. This “punch felt round the world” was a great boost to the “alt-right” cause. If you aid and comfort neo-Nazis, which is exactly what punching them in the face does, you are no better than they are. Real life isn’t a fucking Quentin Tarantino movie.
When I was a neo-Nazi skinhead over 2 decades ago, I got beat up as often as I beat anyone else up. It never made me any less violent. In fact, we used to pile into vans and drive from Milwaukee to Chicago for the thrill of brawling fellow devotees of romantic violence like the guy throwing the punch in this video. We lived for violent opposition. We thrived on it. Violence of any sort, no matter how it may be rationalized, is the bread of hatred. We put mustard on that shit and gleefully gobbled it up and clamored for more.
Back in the 1930s, there were gangs of communists who routinely brawled the Nazi brownshirts in the streets of Germany. Their contemporaries would have us believe that if there were more communists who brawled harder than they did back then, that the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened. As a former neo-Nazi, I can attest to how important it is to have violent opposition in order to maintain the hatred necessary to hurt people. The communist gangs helped Hitler’s National Socialist party come to power not only by galvanizing their own members, but more importantly by serving as a crucial ingredient in the overall atmosphere of fear and loathing that led the German general public to look to the Nazi party for order.
Well that is a more researched response than my glib comment deserved. I respect the effort you put into it.
This is why we should still be able to beat kids…sorta /s
Easily impressionable, yet craving for attention
Well for this particular meeting, I think young white males are the target demographic.
At this point, I suspect the only real solution is guns and knives.
Not advocating, just commenting.
Username checks out
Oh and therapy.
Let’s start there.
I don’t think prostitution is ever going to be legalized in Canada (or USA).
Prostitution is legal in Canada.
Solicitation for Prostitution is illegal.
I meant it will never be fully legal.
What you said is like saying owning a gun is legal but buying ammo for it is illegal.
One is pointless without the other.
Only of we continue to give credence to opinions such as yours.
What do you believe my opinion is exactly? I’m not sure you know what my opinion on this matter is, so I am genuinely curious what you believe it is.
I meant it will never be fully legal.
So you think it will become fully legalized? We’ve just had a fairly progressive government for how many years, and now we have a new government coming who will want to practically ban porn and introduce digital ID verification through those sites (to start, let’s see if it doesn’t spread to other sites). You really think we’re going to become more progressive about this in the future and fully legalize it?
No no, we do talk about it a lot. It may not be close but it could happen.
Not in Alberta, no. But in Canada, yes.
It’s legal in Nevada…
I meant fully legal country-wide.
When there was a pro-nazi rally in my city a few years ago, a ton of the LGBTQ+ groups and nearly 3 times as many people (including my sister and I) showed up to drown out the Nazi bullshit with our own signs and salutes.
Wait, is there an LGBTQ+ salute? If not there really should be.
By salute, I mean 🖕 to the Nazis.
Ah you mean an awkward gesture
I’d like to take a moment and thank the emoji committee for adding that one.
That makes me happy
Oh look, a speedbump.
I hate Alberta Nazis.
For anyone who doesn’t get the reference.
I hate
It’s a pop culture reference.
Oh man… I got a whoosh moment
Normalize beating the shit out of Nazis again and this stops overnight.
Maybe the cure for fascism is organized crime making a comeback. Specifically the Jewish Mafia. They wouldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior.
The US Nazis are armed with the intent of violence in “self defense”. Be careful out there.
Confront them first, make them feel uncomfortable. Make fun of them, make them feel ashamed first. We don’t need to get violent from the get-go to be effective. We gotta get creative.
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You’re the one taking the L right now, why don’t you take your own advice instead?
The ADF excused Musk for his Nazi salutes last week. :-(
No surprise, coming from the Apartheid Defense League
Down the road from where I live.
Trumps been in office a fucking week and these shit stains are already coming out with confidence.
Edir: oh and our premier hasn’t condemned the act yet (it’s her voting base 😉)
I dreamt that I was faced with a group where some were starting to do some Nazi heiling and generally testing the waters trying to get people on board with white supremacy and ethnic cleansing.
I said something like “Fuck it, let’s see where we’re at; Nazis go right, if you’re not a Nazi go left.”
Turned out there were 3 willing to call themselves Nazis in a group of like 15.
So I dreamt I followed it up by saying “Kill the Nazis” and people immediately starting chasing them down. Didn’t see how it ended.
Geeze, so much for the tolerant left!
Tolerant of diversity, not fascism sorry.
Don’t be sorry.
I don’t think our great grandparents would want us to be very tolerant of Nazis.
The left hasn’t unilaterally claimed universal tolerance. Some people do, though, but they can go do themselves. The rest of us have no room for the wicked.
This has to be a-swing-and-a-miss sarcasm.
It is, I should have known better. I thought I was posting in a different community where that would be more obvious.
Tolerance is for anyone, not everyone. When someone’s “opinion” is that innocent people should be deprived of life, freedom, and dignity, it stops being an opinion and becomes a violent threat.
Does Christ condone the kind of hate you and your family harbors, by the way?
Does he condone the persecution that is starting to ramp up, and the manner in which it is executed?
Or does he condemn it? Would God send you to burn in hell for eternity as the false believer that you are, heretic?
we’re harmless. what’s your address?
you know they’re easy targets when they cluster together like that, right? what did you personally do to stop them?
Maybe they don’t own any firearms? Not sure what they’re supposed to do otherwise.
I’m willing to bet you haven’t shot up a single nazi gathering either.
Oh right my proximity to the problem not only makes me judge, jury, and executioner… But also it’s solely my responsibility to deal with. 🥴
Lay off the meth and let the adults talk buddy
“Dude just ran in front of my car out of nowhere, I didn’t even see him!”
“What do you mean ‘repeatedly’? My transmission is tricky!”
Missed a chance to say, “I did nazi him”
And were promptly beaten viciously right? That’s what happened?
A bunch of Nazis*
went out and threw *odd-looking gestures
They’re just autistic! This is a time for a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and we should take a breath.
Doesn’t look like anything to me.
I’m starting to question if they are the losers or are we for sitting back and watching this grow bigger and bigger across the entire world and not doing a single thing to stop it.
No, the Nazis are the losers.
They are even the biggest losers in History. First off we won a war against them, making them by definition ‘losers’.
But they were all claiming to be the superior race of the world, and had the superior army in the world. Only to go through a single war and lose.
But that isn’t all. They were beaten by a group of different countries that let anyone join. Meaning, the Nazis were literally defeated by diversity and inclusivity.
During World War 2 every country fighting Germany was committing their own Genocides on home soil and/or abroad. They were not the “Good guys”, they were simply defending their own interests because Germany wanted to expand. Those same countries also refused to take in Jewish refugees.
The Nazi ideology is more widespread today than it was during WW2, and a big reason for that was the allies took in the Nazis who worked in STEM fields and their families. They didn’t just “see the light” and change their ways, they raised their families with those ideals in a consequence free environment.
The Nazis never lost because the ideology wasn’t dealt with. If anything they are stronger now globally than they were during WW2, and a bigger threat because they just won one of the largest military powers in an election. Again.
But this time they have nukes.
We are.
not doing a single thing to stop it.
That’s hyperbole. A lot of people, everywhere, are doing lots to mitigate fascism.
Wow. In St. Albert, the whitest of the rich white suburbs. What brave souls.
Need to end it there before it has a chance to spread and get normalised
I agree
The Canadian WWII veterans rolled in their graves.
So sad as to be absolutely pathetic. Even worse than hanging a “kick me” sign on yourself.
Get out your pool noodles & whack 'em on sight. Amplify their message with satire. Make a buffoonery out of them until they learn.
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You’re missing the entire point. You go murder people if that’s what you want. You’re no different.